Prior to coming in for a background check/fingerprints, be sure to read everything on this page. It will help you to be sure your background check is done correctly and quickly.
You must have a state issued form of identification with you at the time of your background check.
It is up to you and/or your employer, school, or other entity, to provide this office with the correct information related to your check, such as the proper reason code, recipient address, etc.
Cell phones are not permitted in the building. Be sure to have information you may need to bring with you on paper.
Background checks are conducted
Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. through 3:30 p.m.
Contact Capt. Slates at 740-283-8600 to schedule an appointment.
We are located the the Jefferson County Justice Center
16001 St. Rt. 7
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Ink Rolled Fingerprints (On a fingerprint card)
No appointment is needed for ink rolled fingerprints. They are done Monday through Friday during normal business hours, FREE OF CHARGE.
It is up to you and the entity wanting your background check / fingerprints to determine if you need ink prints, electronic, or both.
WebCheck electronic fingerprint background checks
Fees: $35 for BCI (State of Ohio Check)
$36.25 for FBI (Interstate background check)
Make them payable to: “Jefferson County Sheriff”
We do not accept cash, cards or personal checks.
If you need a BCI ($35) and an FBI ($36.25) background check, you may put both fees on one cashier’s check or money order. ($71.25) Also, if you are coming with several people, together, you may put all of your fees on one form of payment, if you like.
Different people need one, or both, of the background checks, depending on what they’re doing that a check needs to be completed. (i.e., employment, adoption, volunteering)
This office takes a digital snapshot of your fingerprint impressions coupled with your personal information and sends it electronically to Ohio BCI to be processed there. Ohio BCI conducts the check and sends the results to the listed recipient you state via U.S. Mail. Ohio BCI states the processing time is between 1 to 45 days for the results.
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is simply a location where you can come and have the check initiated. This office does not house the information, does not complete the actual background check, and cannot provide copies of previous checks, as none of the information is held here at the Sheriff’s Office.
Local/In-House background check
These are conducted by our Clerks and are free of charge. This is only a check of the Jefferson County Jail booking records. This check does not include state, federal or any other agency database.
The applicant is responsible for providing this office with the proper information related to all background checks. This information includes, but is not limited to, name, DOB, SSN, required reason codes, name and addresses of receiving person(s) or Company, proper Direct Copy recipients, or any other relevant information. This office is not responsible for inaccurate or incomplete information entered on your behalf, received from you.
The majority of the background checks we complete for individuals are for employment. Your employer is responsible for providing you with the correct information to have the background check completed.
Ideally, your employer, or prospective employer, will provide you a form with all of the required information you need to have your background check completed.
It should provide the “reason code” which is a specific numbered section of Ohio law that applies to why you’re getting your background check done.
For example: If you’re a Home Healthcare professional, that travels to patients homes, the reason code is “3701.881 – Home Health Agency Responsible for Children/Adults”
If you work in a facility, such as a nursing home, the reason code will be “3721.121 – Home or Adult Daycare Program”
Please note: These are only two examples out of many.
Ohio law and employers dictate what professions/positions require background checks for employment, be it initial hire or a periodic check requirement. The employer should give you the proper code.
If the employer does not provide the code, this office cannot guarantee the correct code will be used for background check submission to Ohio BCI. If you do not provide the correct information, and choose to proceed with your background check procedure, and it is incorrect, the responsibility is yours. We stress that you research to be certain you have the correct information.
Here is a link to the list of Reason Codes used for Ohio BCI checks
Here is a link to the list of Reason Codes used for FBI checks
Thank you!